Monday, January 26, 2009

Wedgwood Broiler

January 25, 2009. Nancy, DB, Tad, Cathy, and Dick visit the Wedgwood Broiler on the rumor they serve great burgers. DB, Cathy, and Dick each ordered the Bacon Cheeseburger ($9). A good burger we agreed, but not a great one. Nancy was unimpressed with her Texas Burger as was Tad with his guacamole chicken burger.

Bacon Cheeseburger:
  • Bun: Toasted, a bit dry and charred.
  • Patty: Beef. Nice and thick, juicy with pink center for the medium-rare. They say they grind their own beef. Seasoning a bit too salty.
  • Sauce: Mayo on the side, made for a dry burger.
  • Other: Bacon (charred), tomato, lettuce, onions (too many for Cathy).
  • Ambiance: 1950s. Crowd Sunday at 6:30 pm with lots of seniors.

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